
kernel: scsi: host X channel Y id Z lun has a LUN larger than allowed by the host adapter

You gets the below error , because the LUN number  <xxx> is greater than lpfc module parameter lpfc_max_luns , because by default emulex controllers support a maximum of 255 LUNs by default. This may be increased to 65535 ,This issue can be also seen if you have a LUN ID that is greater than 255 even though you have a much fewer number of LUNs than 255.

kernel: scsi: host X channel Y id Z lun<xxx> has a LUN larger than allowed by the host adapter

To check the present lpfc_max_luns value

#cat /sys/module/lpfc/parameters/lpfc_max_luns

To change the same follow the below steps

1: Add the following to /etc/modprobe.conf file

#vi /etc/modprobe.conf
options lpfc lpfc_max_luns=<nnn>

Note : <nnn> Max lun required a number between 255 and 65535

2: Rebuild Initrd / Initramfs


#mkinitrd -f -v /boot/initrd-<uname -r>.img  <uname -r>


#dracut -f

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